Christmas 2021

It has been a while since our last newsletter, and as we approach the end of another busy year (which has passed all too quickly), we wish you all, the best for Christmas and the New Year.
We are available during Christmas Week for calls, emails, advice and orders!
We are happy to end an exhaustingly busy year with our first event since restrictions began and we hope to resume our full event programme as soon as possible.

The Power of Music
We were thrilled to renew our Thursday evening house events on December 16th – a very special evening with our friend and internationally renowned photographer William Ellis, featuring an exhibition of musician portraits and interviews from his One LP Project.
The ONE LP Project
One LP is a unique and critically acclaimed portrait photography project and exhibition exploring the inspirational qualities of recordings and the impact they have had on people’s lives.
The premiere of the One LP Exhibition featured photographic portraits of 40 musicians each with their album of most personal significance, and was held in New York at the ARChive of Contemporary Music in 2014.
Visitors at the exhibition became so intrigued by the concept, some requested their own ONE LP and William extended the opportunity for visitors to commission their own One LP and be included in the project, each receiving a signed LP size print of their portrait in a special mailer, a transcript of their interview and appear on the website.
Johhny Marr Edi Reader Jack Bruce Dame Patricia Routledge Sir John Tomlinson Rick Wakeman
The ONE LP Evening
ONE LP Photographic Portrait Exhibition held at brianandtrevors and House of Linn, December 16th 8pm
During the evening, William presented his photographic portrait exhibition featuring around 30 artists from many genres including Johnny Marr, Eddi Reader, Gregory Porter, Peggy Seeger, Sir John Tomlinson, Jon Hendricks Kenny Burrell, Al Jarreau, Martin Simpson and Keiko Abe.

William Ellis offered this exciting opportunity to just a small number of our guests who attended to participate in the One LP project, and to be photographed and interviewed by William.
Roy Ian Mick Anne Gary

and of course, we coudn’t resist!
We are always delighted to receive praise from clients for the work we do, as we have from one of our new clients who wrote to us this week:
” Dear Brian & Trevor,
I wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for getting me set up with my first Linn purchase. I’m happy to report back on a great experience as a new ‘House of Linn’ customer – from my initial visit where after a relaxed coffee and a chat, we listened to some of my favourite music, firstly on the brilliant all-in-one Majik DSM & then spinning some vinyl on the awesome LP12, to the delivery & install of my new system a few weeks later, expertly set up and demonstrated by Trevor. I am now in my element, listening daily to my music as if it was the first time, particularly on the LP12 where I’m hearing new musical detail from my vinyl collection that I never knew was there! So thanks again for a seamless experience and a genuine personal touch in your approach throughout the whole buying process.
Wishing you both all the best for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Best wishes,
Simon “

We wish you all, the best for Christmas
and a Happy New Year!