Kudos Audio Evening February 27th from 7:30pm

We are delighted to welcome Kudos Audio to present Sigao Drive at brianandtrevors. We will be running A/B comparisons to hear the Sigao difference. In our client demonstrations, we have achieved a remarkable defined and musical playback with the Sigao crossover and our range of Kudos Loudspeakers, and this is your opportunity to hear for yourself. Please register here to attend.
SIGAO DRIVE represents a ground-breaking new approach to crossover design, never before seen in mainstream HiFi. Neither traditionally active nor truly passive – SIGAO DRIVE is an external crossover with no power supply, situated in front of the power amplifier in the audio signal chain. Come along and meet the team from Kudos and discover the Kudos difference with the Kudos Sigao active passive crossover.