Kudos Audio Titan Active Roadshow. Thursday August 15th, 8pm.

We are delighted to be hosting this special evening with Kudos Audio to demonstrate the incredible performance enhancements upgrading to active can bring to your audio system.
Since 2015 Kudos has delivered the incredible performance of Linn active Exakt technology, and more recently with our demonstration top-of-the-range Kudos Titan, and Kudos Super loudspeakers.
Now with the release of two new Naim SNAXO crossovers, Naim active is also easily configurable for Kudos Titan loudspeakers.
The Kudos Titan Series reference range is easily configurable for passive and active playback via rear panel connectors. Simply by-passing the internal crossover to choose active operation, creates the active upgrade path, enabling greater performance and personalisation enhancing options.
For this special evening we will configure our demonstration models from the Kudos Titan range with the new Naim SNAXO active crossovers and Naim amplification.
The Kudos team will also be on hand to answer any questions.
Click here and complete our contact form to register. We will email you with your confirmation.
We look forward to seeing you on August 15th.