Linn Akurate Exaktbox Events at House of Linn all from 8pm: November 2014 -March 2015:
Linn Akurate Exaktbox Events at House of Linn all from 8pm:
Thursday November 27th with Akubarik and Akurate 242 Loudspeakers
Thursday December 18th with Akubarik and Majik 140 Loudspeakers
Thursday January 29th with Akubarik and Espek Loudspeakers
Thursday February 26th with Akubarik and Majik 140/Majik Isobarik Loudspeakers
Thursday March 26th with Akubarik and Majik 140/109 Loudspeakers
Please email or call Brian or Trevor to reserve your seat.